

yeah, so it's my birthday tday so i thought itd be as good a day as any to put up a new post. summer's winding down and most ppl are goin back to school while im still sitting around. funny how in may i couldnt wait for summer, then summer started then i couldnt wait for orgo to be over now i cant wait for school to start again. i dont really have too much going on this summer. went to a resort last weekend w/ my cousins in southern illinois. ive seen a lot of articles on the news about ppl who got fucked over bc of stuff they wrote on their blogs - stuff about their company or general opinions. so i think i should maybe minimize on what i actually do at school and maybe i should keep these posts to just my opinions. true, my voicing of my opinions has gotten me into the trouble in the past but let's hope that doesnt happen again. im not really sure what to write about so ill just throw out some random topics.

celebrity lives: my sister loves reading the celeb secret magazines like people or national inquirer. yeah, it may be interesting that ben affleck isnt going out w/ jennifer aniston anymore but who cares? really? i was talkin w/ a friend who just started college about how different college is from high school and he was tellin me about how in high school people were all caught up w/ who was going out w/ who but then in college nobody cared anymore. in high school it's people you actually know, people you see every day. w/ celebrities, you dont know anything about them, will probably never see them, who cares what they're up to? is it that people like reading about how 'interesting' other people's lives are to console themselves that their own lives are so boring? if anybody would like to shed some light on this subject please feel free to share/comment.

andy millonakis show: i was at parag's house after orgo one day and this show came on mtv. just my luck nothing else was on on any other channel. this has to be one of the worst shows on tv. as parag said, we actually got dumber by watching the show. however, it's one of those things that you're embarrased to say you mildly enjoy. this kid goes up to random people on the street and asks em a question and right when they answer he repeats their answer and says 'i was just about to say that' then the people get flustered bc they keep getting repated. and there's a counter in the corner of the screen for how many times he says 'i was just about to say that'. i didnt know how mtv would play something like this but apparently this kid is the fat kid from the man show that went around hitting on women on the street. and even fat joe and snoop made appearances on other episodes. in one skit andy orders a pizza and when the guy comes to deliver it andy stars screaming that he's the 100th delivery guy and the guy is all confused and some old lady comes out and starts dancing and andy pays the guy for the pizza and extra and the guy leaves w/ a strange story to tell. the main show ive been tuning into weekly is this show called stella. it's completely off the wall humor that mike jones and i would sometimes watch really really late at night after coming back from the deuce. good stuff.

wedding crashers: ill admit it's a pretty funny movie. my favorite was the drawing of vince vaughn by the redhead's brother. i wanna get that actual painting and put it up in my living room or something. the whole plot was pretty unprobable and the wedding crashing bit only lasted for the first 15 mins of the movie then it kidna shifted into a big love story. nothing special but it had its moments. i was thinkin about it after i saw the movie and marriage in general is a very _____ thing. i dont know what the word is - maybe if kohout was around he could help me out. good old kohout. but ive decided i dont want to get married. it's not for everybody and i dont see it being for me of course if my parents knew this they'd be very dissapointed.

i do believe that every person has another person out there that's right for him/her. the key is to actually find that person. sometimes you marry and you're happy but that doesnt necessarily mean that that was the person for you. there's a great scene in 'run lola run' where lola asks manni if he loves her. he says of course and she asks how he knows. he says that he just feels it. then she says that if he had never met her he'd prolly be saying he feels love for some other woman. most married couples arent 'soulmates'. it's just bc it's the best you can get at that given time. man A is going out w/ woman A and they're both really happy and think they were both 'meant' for each other. that's just because neither has found a person any better than what they have already. if woman B came along and had better looks and a vibrant personality what man A wouldnt drop woman A for woman B. of coure if if man A and woman A were married and woman B came long man A wouldnt be able to do anything and if he said anything would prolly get slapped. im rambling...

on being a man: im really really glad im a guy and not a girl. i saw a feminine hygiene commercial the day and i was just really happy id never have to deal w/ anything like that. and for girls theres a huge stigma of not being worth anything if you're not beautiful. i can go for a week or two w/o shaving and no biggie but if a girl does that problems could amount. also though there's been much protest to the fact, a guy that gets around is known as a pimp but the girl that spreads like butter gets labeled as a slut. sure women in general may live a couple years longer or be a lil smarter but at least i can walk around late at night without worrying about getting raped. or can i?

'you're all on friendster, right?' 'is that some sort of party drug?
'i appreciate you'
'...look at the moon, rudy, just look at it'
'you're a good looking guy, im not gonna lie'
'this shit is lovely dogg! lovely!'
'that carpet... it's so crazy... you can see faces and they look up at you... i can see your mouth moving and i can hear you talking but i cant understand what you're saying...'
'if you think you're gonna hit that before me you gotta start talking right now. but dont say beautiful. how many times do ya think she's heard that one before? say ummm gorgeous...'
'the only guy worth your tears is the ones who will never make you cry? now that is class-A bullshit.'
'did you just see that? he just hit that girl!' 'well im sure he prolly had a good reason.'

'you distinctly said you lick me.'
'i def did not - i dont lick you at all.'
'i saved the message. the message you left me at 5.04 am last night. i really think you do lick me'

'gimme a call if you decide to a wake up'
'shut up'

the most sacreligious song ive heard in a while: craig christ by stephen lynch

edc - my final thoughts:
some of these projects are pathetic and sometimes even when they get a solution one quarter they still give the same project to teams the next quarter. cmon, ppl w/ no arms wanna play tennis? people who dont have legs wanna ride bicycles? paraplegics wanna go scuba diving? seriously? wtf? know what ya call a paraplegic in the water?


worst pick up line:
how do you like your eggs in the morning? scrambled, boiled or fertilized?

on finding your soulmate:
"you gotta hope you find your soulmate. it's not easy, right? do you believe in that? that you can find the one person out there that you can spend the rest of your life with? i didnt used to believe that at all till i saw siegfried and roy. you got a gay lion tamer who hooked up w/ another gay lion tamer. what are the odds of that happening? talk about holding out for mr right." - greg giraldo

best ctec ever. EVER:
Wu tells the class every day that "Technically everyone should get an A", however, being that this is Trick-NU, sometimes the questions aren't as straightforward as you would think and Wu is an incredibly picky grader. He takes off points at a whim. So if you technically get 50/50, he'll take 5 points off for misspelling your own name, and 3 more if you argue that it is in fact spelled correctly. The homework is supposed to be easy, but you'll find that, to quote an earlier CTEC, "it's like having hot cheese dip poured into your pants". At first it's like, yes, I Love cheese! Then your sensory system reacts and it's a royal pain. After a while it's just a big annoying mess. In your pants. Mmmm...I'm hungry. Also, what he does in class and what you are tested over are 2 completely different things. Anyway, take this class anyway if you need a 4th class...or 5th.

on our bodies and ourselves (by christian finnegan):
I've always found the term "The Birds and the Bees" confusing. Are the bird and the bee supposed to be fucking in this scenario? Because that's going to confuse a kid right off the bat--why is the bird having sex with the bee? When trying to teach a young boy about the mysteries of the human body, is interspecies poontang really the way to go?

So a young boy turns 12 or 13, his body begins to go through certain changes, and his father sits him down to talk about The Birds and the Bees, right? But there are things about human sexuality that a 13 year old is just not going to be able to comprehend. I have a friend in his mid-30's, for instance, and his body's starting to go through certain changes. That's why I think, when a man turns 33 (or so), his father should sit him down again and have a second conversation about The Birds and the Bees. Something along the lines of...

"Well son, there's going to come a time in every bee's life when...well, maybe the stinger doesn't respond quite the way it used to. Oh sure, he used to pollinate four of five flowers a night. He didn't even care what the flower looked like--he was just happy to be doing it! These days, maybe the bee can pull it off once a night...maybe twice, if he has a few hours to recuperate in between. And there might be nights where maybe the bee is just not interested in that sort of thing. Nobody's fault--he's just not in that mode that night. Makes sense, right? Well, the bird will try to tell the bee it's because he has a 'drinking problem'. Like the bird's so fucking perfect, right? Ooooh, I'm the bird! I'm always right! Nothing's ever my fault! And the bee will say, 'Well, maybe if you took care of yourself a little more, this wouldn't be a problem!' And the bird will say 'What is that supposed to mean? What are you trying to say? That I'm not exciting anymore? I can be exciting! Do you want to try something new? Just tell me what you fantasize about and we can try it!' Now, son, this is a trap for the bee. Because if the bee just innocently suggests that maybe we bring another bird into the scenario, all the sudden the bee's an asshole! And the bee better have himself a good lawyer, that's for sure!"

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